We're Going on a Sustainable Journey

Welcome to 2020. A new decade, full of fresh goals and inspiring initiatives. We invite you to join us on this journey.


At Filter Studio, we truly believe our role as Industrial Designers is a privileged one in this growing “green economy”. Over the next year we will be taking the initiative to educate ourselves on the topic of Sustainability and how we intend to merge this information with Industrial Design. We are excited to share with you our developing passion towards creating a sustainable studio, the facts we learn along the way, and how you as an individual can take steps towards living a more sustainable lifestyle. Whether you are a Designer yourself, or simply looking to learn more on helping the future of our beautiful planet, this journey is sure to spark the beginnings of a sustainable mindset.

The Initiative:

Over the next year, our goal is to cover a variety of topics within the realm of sustainable design and the personal impact we can make on our journey to a cleaner, thriving future. Some topics we are thinking about include the steps we can take to become more sustainable designers, looking at current companies and communities that are making a difference, and exploring various sustainable materials and processes we could potentially apply to future projects. As the year progresses on, we hope to offer more helpful content that could be beneficial both to our studio and to the greater design community around us.


Why Do We Care?

As a studio, we are gradually learning and growing towards ways we can be more responsible with the resources we have. With more and more industries producing waste as a byproduct of manufacturing/using non-renewable materials, we realize the need for change is of growing importance and something that should no longer be ignored.

So we started thinking.

What kind of impact are we having as designers on this planet? Are we producing more waste with the products we create? Or can we take the influence we have as designers to find a better and more responsible way?

We believe we can find solutions - that’s what we do! Knowing we will not get it perfect, but we are striving to get it better. As Industrial Designers, we feel especially honored to carry this responsibility. If you are interested in following our journey to becoming a more sustainable studio and the ways you can transition to having a sustainable mindset, then please keep an eye out for future posts on our website, Linked-In profile, or Instagram account (linked below). We also would love to hear from you. If you have any resources, companies or people to talk to, we are open ears.

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